Tuesday, September 21, 2004

As for Marcus's reference...

Breaking down the reference:

"and Hashem [literally, "The Name," one of the ways the ancient Rabbis and modern observant Jews refer to God in writing and speech]

will redeem the crepe and it will become soft, cheese filled, and have jam. He will see its tshuvah [tshuvah literally means "return" but means "repentance" in Jewish parlance]

and call it blintz."

-Sefer Yuliasheild bet
[sefer means Book; Yuliasheild is a reference to the "author" - if you need it spelled out, think of an aged and highly respected and much-loved TV chef/author who passed away recently; "bet" means it's the second volume. The entire citation is a loving homage to ancient Rabbinic texts like the Talmud.]


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