Thursday, February 03, 2005

Edward Tufte

I was first informed of The Work of Edward Tufte during the course of my graduate work at SDSU in Educational Technology, probably by Brock Allen. His books are available through this site, and they ain't cheap, but you nonetheless get more than you pay for. He's one of these guys, along with Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, for whom "thinking outside the box" is so natural that it's inside their box. He constantly challenges the status quo, primarily about anything to do with the display of information.

Tufte is working on a new book called Beautiful Evidence, which he says is mostly "about helpful techniques in evidence presentations". I was pointed to him this week by Patrick Crispen, who is not only the co-author of the Internet Tourbus (to which I've subscribed for years) but is also a professional colleague.

Check out the Ask E.T. section, and if you have anything to do with corporate or educational or any kind of presentation, consider ponying up $7 bucks for his essay "The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint."


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