Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bastard got off easy

MARCH 31, 2005 (IDG NEWS SERVICE) - The teen convicted of creating a variant of the Blaster worm won't have to pay Microsoft Corp. $497,546 in restitution. He can instead work it off by doing community service.

Microsoft has agreed to forgo the cash and convert the punishment into 225 hours of community service, according to a court document filed late Tuesday. Jeffrey Lee Parson, a 19-year-old from Hopkins, Minn., will have to work 75 hours per year over a three-year period with less fortunate members of his community. The work cannot involve computers or the Internet, according to the document.

Not that I don't have some admiration for his hacking abilities. Then again, he lost a lot of points for making it so easy for Da Man to find his ass.
But 225 hours of community service instead of nearly half a million bucks? That works out to more than $2200 an hour for his time! Even Johnny Cochran (RIP) wasn't worth that!


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