Monday, January 31, 2005

The State of the Union Address Drinking Game 2005

I'm proud to say that I am connected to Marc & Howard, who came up with the genius that is The State of the Union Address Drinking Game a few years ago, through just one degree of separation. Once again, thank you, Veronique.

As I mentioned to her, four more years of this and those two guyus will either need rehab or a liver transplant (or both).

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Error Message Generator

A geek's playground. Error Message Generator

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Google continues to push the boundaries...

of what it means to be a search company, and of cool ways to utilize the power of the Net: Google launches video search engine for TV shows

Wrong on so many levels

Twinkies sushi

Friday, January 21, 2005

Evil Waste of Time #117

Demon Balls is a good name for this insidiously simple yet addictive game.

Evil Waste of Time #3


Dragging the objects in a specific order will get them all to grow to their maximum level.

I got 9 maxed on my first try, and scored 10200. How'd you do?

Mad Ape Den

I was introduced to Mad Ape Den by the folks who run Woot!.

Can you dig it? Try to use 3, no mas.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Unintentional innuendo

I see stuff where others don't.

This is from the University of Pennsylvania's Biomedical Graduate Studies department home page.

He's got this look that says, "You wouldn't believe how much beer I had to drink to fill this beaker up this much"


"You should have seen what color it was right after that all-night Kahlua binge last week"


"Random drug test my ass! I've been saving this sample of my grandmother's urine for just such an occasion."

And she's thinking, "Ha ha! I want a new advisor."

Political action

Veronique points to CNM: Campaign for a National Majority

It's certainly better than Jon Stewart's take on the Democratic party's motto from the other night (I'm paraphrasing), "A moment of resistance, a lifetime of capitulation."

Snuggliness in the UK

Snuggliness in the UK is the companion site to Josh's blog about moving to and living in the UK.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Something Awful

Subtitled The Internet Makes You Stupid, this is a huge warehouse of silly and useless things. You've been warned.

Evil Waste of Time #18

They Fight Crime!

Refresh the page. Again. And again. And again...

I got this on my third try:

He's an otherworldly Jewish gangster searching for his wife's true killer. She's a cynical foul-mouthed Valkyrie with someone else's memories. They fight crime!

You should be so lucky.

Second Term

The Spiridellis Bros. at are back with a great new Flash animation and song in "honor" of the inauguration. As always, equal opportunity lampooning.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Alternative Dictionaries

A young (I assume) Norwegian named Hans-Christian Holm has put together The Alternative Dictionaries, a compendium of slang, profanities, insults and vulgarisms from all over the world. There are a few errors in the Hebrew section (the only one I can speak to directly other than English), but he readily admits that it's a work in progress, and provides an opportunity for feedback. Nicely done. Thanks, Veronique.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Guy with too much time on his hands #16

Joel Veitch, proprietor of The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a load of stuff that will probably crush your will to live

Don't click on the song links on the left, no matter what you do. You have been warned.

These aren't your father's action figures

Unless your father is into this sort of thing...

Greatest. Tease. Ever.


A monster, now deceased

BBC - Crime Case Closed - Harold Shipman

Mental Drippings

10 worst album covers of all time

I thought I posted a link a while back to a collection of, um, interesting album cover art. This one doesn't mince words.

The site it's on, Pork Tornado, is good reading.!

Don't remember if I've pointed to it before, but it's worth another visit anyway: Welcome to!

Jesse reminded me by pointing me to lowercase liberty.

Monday, January 10, 2005


This is why they will be the first ones up against the wall when the revolution comes (DA): Torture? Not if cheerleaders do it


Friday, January 07, 2005

Other blogs

Vice Squad is a, well, squad of folks who explore "public policy concerning alcohol, nicotine, other drugs, prostitution, gambling, pornography, ...."

I found Vice Squad through The Agitator, Radley Balko's blog. He calls himself a classical liberal, that is, a libertarian.

I haven't gone through every post in the archives, but what I saw made me think I could link to them.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Evil waste of time #44

Sub Commander

Dying is...

Well, dying sucks. But it's a fact of life. Grace Chow is now dead, but her blog lives on. It won't take long to read - she only had about 10 days after she started keeping the blog. If nothing else, it's a good reminder of the fragility of our time here...

Monday, January 03, 2005

Sherlock Holmes on the Web: the Sherlockian.Net Holmepage

Everything the Web offers about Sherlock Holmes is here, Sherlockian.Net claims. Arnie and Hadar reminded me how much I liked the stories as a youth, so I thought I'd remind you all what excellent detective stories look and sound like.

And don't forget Poe's contributions to (if not invention of) the genre... Check out this Gutenberg entry.

More puzzles

Back from vacation.
The original Crimson Room and the Viridian Room, prequels to the Blue Chamber, are available here. MUWAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, yeah: "Thanks," Bryan.